Let’s Talk Sustainability with eBay
ebay Chris Daglis ebay Chris Daglis

Let’s Talk Sustainability with eBay

Talking Sustainability with eBay.co.uk

Consider the embodied carbon savings in automotive manufacturing that could be made by extending the lifetime of vehicles that would otherwise be written off by insurance companies. Often, the repair costs tip them over the brink and into the scrapyard – but what if this could be reduced to make them economically repairable? And think of the waste that could be reduced if decent-quality parts from scrapped vehicles were given a second life by insurance repairers to refurbish other vehicles.

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Launch of Products and Services for the UK
ebay Chris Daglis ebay Chris Daglis

Launch of Products and Services for the UK

There is a real need for some of the products we have developed at APS in the UK. I speak with recyclers here every day now and it is crystal clear that there are significant opportunities to improve their use of their Yard Management System and the data within it. I know that our exactstats product, for example, will help you understand your business drivers, enabling you to make much better decisions and fast.

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COVID - What We've Learned, and What Happens Next.
Chris Daglis Chris Daglis

COVID - What We've Learned, and What Happens Next.

COVID - What We've Learned, and What Happens Next.

With COVID still in full swing and mutating into different forms, auto recyclers across the world are adjusting to a new paradigm. COVID has brought with it both challenges and opportunities for auto recyclers. In this interview with Chris Daglis of Auto PARTnered Solutions, a globally recognised consultant to the automotive industry and second-generation automotive recycler himself, we will look at what these changes have meant for auto recyclers around the world.

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