
The most comprehensive eBay
Listing Optimisation Service available

Sell more of your parts online with accurate part numbers on listings

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What is exactlinc?

The most comprehensive MPN Compatibility Linking tool available

What does that mean exactly?

  • A plugin tool that populates your inventory and eBay listings with all relevant Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) and any other related product descriptors/numbering patterns.

  • Ensure searchability of your parts online with accurate part numbers on listings.

  • Our system will look for and combine multiple part numbers and supersessions onto your listings so your customers can find what they are looking for.

How will this help my yard?

exactlinc will help you:

  • Sell more parts more often with correct MPNs and other numbers and descriptors attached to your listings

  • Optimise your listings without lifting a finger. Our system does it all for you.

  • Earn while you sleep and benefit from the worldwide increase in sales since Covid 19

  • Take advantage of ebay.uk offering to pay for this service for you for a limited time.

What do I get when I purchase exactlinc?

  • Aggregation of your relevant reports into the exactlinc system and set up of your data linc to eBay.co.uk

  • Ongoing maintenance of your MPN Compatibility Linking so that we maximise the visibility of your parts to buyers

  • Ability for you to submit updated inventory reports to exactlinc

  • Have your logo displayed on the exactlinc partners page

We accurately associate MPNs to as many of, if not all of your eBay listings.

Want to know more?

Watch this comprehensive walk through of how it works with Pinnacle.

Let Chris Daglis talk to you about the unique exactlinc solution.

Only a 11 mins and 19 secs of your time :)

What does success using our system look like for you?


Reclaim Your Weekends.

Optimise your listings without lifting a finger. Our system does it all for you.

Be More Profitable.

Sell more parts more often with correct numbers and descriptors on your listings.

Increase Passive Income.

Earn while you sleep and benefit from the recent worldwide increase in sales.

No Risk to You.

Take advantage of ebay.uk offering to pay for this service for a limited time.

What does failing to use our system look like for you?


Lost Sales.

If your listings stay the way they are they may never be seen.

Low Sell Through.

If your listings can’t be found, they can’t be sold, leaving you with old stock.

Lost Profits.

Why pay for an eBay store if your stock can’t be found or sold?

Wasting Time.

You and your staff spend so much time adding listings only for them not to sell.




Leave it to us. Our system will optimise your listings without you lifting a finger.


Qualified Support.

Our expert team will help and answer any of your questions regarding your eBay store.

No Lock in Contracts.

Cancel anytime.
Purchase anytime.



The more parts you sell, the more inventory you can move through and the more money you make.


Easily integrates with your current eBay store.



Speedy initial setup and ongoing maintenance of your MPN Compatibility Linking.

"Sales on eBay increase if listings have accurate Manufacturer Part Numbers, optimised titles, accurate parts grading and compatibility included.

We are excited to be working closely with Auto PARTnered Solutions to develop exactlinc.

It will aggregate and dress your listings with relevant data to help buyers find and buy your parts.”

— Laura Richards, Senior Category Manager, eBay UK Trading Team – Vehicle Parts and Accessories

Let us talk you through it.

“I can confidently say exactlinc is the best Listing Optimisation Tool in the market.

Built by experts in the auto recycling industry we have applied the best technology and data to the specific needs of the auto recycler.”

Chris Daglis,
exactlinc Managing Director

Supercharge your eBay listings with exactlinc


One of our expert team will happily talk you through the benefits of using exactlinc in your Automotive Recycling business.